Child - rearing values - sacrifice, stability, dependability, maturity - seem stale and ought toy by comparison.
而牺牲 、 稳定 、 可靠及成熟等育儿的价value观似乎已经过时了.
互联网Child rearing techniques are as varied in unschoolers they are in any other group of people.
互联网Add value of housework and child - rearing, and women account for just over half of world output.
加上家务活和养育孩子的贡献, 女性的贡献将超过世界总产值的一半.
互联网Adults ( and even adolescents ) feel little hesitation about intervening in the child - rearing process.
大人 ( 甚至青少年 ) 几乎毫不犹豫地干涉小孩成长的过程.
互联网One must learn some knowledge of marriage and child rearing before getting married.
互联网Soviet women carry the main burden of shopping, homemaking and child rearing.
苏联的妇女承担的主要义务就是采购, 做家务及抚养孩子.
辞典例句I disapprove of her child rearing methods.
互联网Some university officials see in parents'separation anxieties evidence of the excesses of modern child - rearing.
部分学校官员认为,父母孩子的 “ 离别难”,是现代育儿思潮的极端体现.
互联网Juggling work and child - rearing is difficult.
互联网A good old - anking is out of the question: no modern child - rearing manual would permIt'such barbarity.
互联网This is our parents of the child - rearing.
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